

V. Turkish and Islamic World Children Literature Workshop

Turkish and Islamic World Children Literature Workshop will be organized by The Union of Children and Youth Literature Writers on October 20,2019.
The workshop’s main theme is “Turkish and Islamic World Children Literature” with the participation of poets, writers, publishers, editors, academicians, teachers and NGO representatives in the field of Children and Youth Literature.
The workshop will last only one day and participants who attend all sessions will be awarded with a certificate of participation by The Union of Children and Youth Literature Writers.

The aim of the workshop:
Presenting the current situation of Children and Youth Literature in Turkey and Islamic world including Turkic states and Turks abroad and relative communities,
Defining common problems and methods and studies for the solution of these problems,
Determining possible common activities and short and long term common goals,
Determining and collecting oral literature products intended to children and youth, and then making cooperation in order to transfer oral literature to written literature as common culture and civilization heritage,
Creating a ground for the acceptance of child and youth literature as a independent academic discipline by sharing information, experience, archives and other resources with the related institutions and organizations,
Deciding the common activities to be done by governmental organizations and NGOs which operate in Children and Youth Literature and universities, determining the need for necessary base of activities such as preparing and publishing common antologies etc. , increasing the conciousness level of related organizations and institutions, increasing scientific preparation level of national and foreign partners,
Preventing repetitive studies in projects that can be supported as Research&Development projects, saving time, effort and money by common activities,
Becoming one of the means of getting benefit from state incentives in Turkey and other countries and European Union subsidies and other incentives alike about Research and Development projects and discipline creating studies intended to research, collect and publish activities in the field of children and youth literature,
Upgrading the quality level of children and youth literature works with an international rewards and supporting qualified works,
Defininig rules and methods of the rewarding system and reward fields,
Creating a common culture and a love bond among intellectuals, writers, academicians and children from Turkey, which is one of the most important civilizations of human history, and Turks abroad and the relative communities under the definition of “Turkey and Islamic World”,
Creating a common study platform on children and youth literature by meeting intellectuals, writers, publishers and academicians from Turkey, Turks abroad and relative communities with the other Islamic countries,
Unfortunately the geography of Islam which has been built by different cultures and civilizations is mentioned with war and conflicts today. The instability and conflicts in the region revealed the need for introducing our common cultural and civil values with our common features since childhood and teaching children art and literature taste in the early years of childhood,
Recognition of Turkey in international arena, establishment of strong friendship and brotherhood relations between Turks abroad, relative communities and Islamic world and meeting children and writers on the same platform will create healthier consequences.

Planning common activities in Children and Youth Literature field among Turkey, Turks Abroad and Relative Communities and Islamic world.
Identifying the rules and methods of an international common rewarding system in Children and Youth Literature and run the process.
Realize the project of writing the history of Turkish and Islamic World’s Children Literature as a common activity.

Important Dates:
Deadline for applying to attend the workshop: September 25th, 2019.
Anouncement of Accepted Applications: September 28th, 2019.

Location of the Workshop:
Baku / Azerbaijan

Chairman of the Workshop:
Bican Veysel Yıldız

Vice-Chairman of the Workshop:
Assoc. Prof. Tacettin Şimşek (PHD)

Organization Council:
Bican Veysel Yıldız
Assoc.Prof. Tacettin Şimşek
Dr. Melike Günyüz
Prof.Dr. Merziyye Necefova
Prof.Dr. Zhanna Yusha
Emine Usein
Hüseyin Bokaî
Mehmet Akpınar
Gülay Sormageç
Vural Eyikan
Seher Keçe Türker
Nevin Soysal Aydın
Erdoğan Ergin

Academic Council:
Prof.Dr. Ali Fuat Arıcı (Yıldız Teknik University)
Prof.Dr. Gıyasettin Aytaş (Gazi University)
Prof.Dr. Liailia Mingazova (Kazan Volga Region Federal University)
Prof.Dr. Mehdi Hejvanî (Azad-i İslami University Tahran-İran)
Prof.Dr. Suat Ungan (Karadeniz Teknik University)
Prof.Dr. Zhanna Yusha (Rusya, Novabirsk)
Assoc.Prof. Abdul Fareed BROHİ (Pakistan, Uluslararası İslam Üniversitesi Çocuk Edebiyatı Bölüm Başkanı)
Assoc.Prof. Fatima Hocin (Aya Kiril ve Metodiy University)
Assoc.Prof. Fidan Qasımova (Azerbaycan Milli İlimler Akademisi Folklor Enstitüsü)
Assoc.Prof. M. Abdullah Arslan (Erzincan Üniversitesi)
Assoc.Prof. Oğuzhan Yılmaz (Erzincan Üniversitesi)
Assoc.Prof. Raşit Koç (Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi)
Assoc.Prof. Tahir Kahhar (Özbekistan Devlet Cihan Dilleri Üniversitesi)
Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Atıf AKGÜN (Ege Üniversitesi Türk Dünyası Edebiyatları ABD)
Dr. Enise Abibullayeva (Kırım Mühendislik ve Pedagoji Üni. Pedagoji ve Psikoloji Fakültesi Pedagoji Böl. Bşk.)
Dr. Hülya Yolasığmazoğlu (Giresun Üniversitesi)
Dr. Mustafa Said Kıymaz (Adıyaman Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Türkçe Eğitimi Bölümü)
Dr. Tahir Zorkul (Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü)
Dr. Tacettin Şimşek (Atatürk Üniversitesi)
Dr. Yasin Mahmut Yakar (Erzincan Üniversitesi)

Coordination Council:
Assoc. Prof. M. Abdullah Arslan
Assoc. Prof. Yasin Mahmut Yakar
Assoc. Prof. Oğuzhan Yılmaz
Ali Hakkoymaz

Summaries of the Notices and Writing Format:
Workshop notices should be prepared in MS Word format and should include the aim, content, methods and results of the study. The name and contact information of the presenter of the notice should also be in the same file.
The notices for the workshop should be sent to web adress with the subject of ‘Workshop Notice’.

To the Attention of the Participants:
The participants should submit the summary of their notices and presentations to help increase the efficiency of the workshop and prevent time waste. Therefore, the following form should be filled and submitted to us.

Please type the link for WORKSHOP PARTICIPATION FORM.


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